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«Неизвестный Гений»
SACRAMENTAL - Die For This Messiah
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04 марта ’2013 21:33
Просмотров: 22162
You can't stop my will
To say those saints don't even try
To burn this truth
that open's eyes to all mankind
I'm not afraid to say this
While the children Burn alive
They Sell Forgivness
But you still motherfucker
Die for this messiah
you still so blindly
Follow this messiah
And you will kill
For this messiah
you're living in a lie
For this messiah
And i don't know why
Tell me who gave them right
To Kill in prise of god
they're another son's of pride
They're drinking Jesus Blood
Those Devil's bitches rise
They rape and they despise
Burning the paradise
But you still motherfucker
Die for this messiah
you still so blindly
Follow this messiah
And you will kill
For this messiah
you're living in a lie
For this messiah
And i don't know why
Hey i wanna ask a question
To all believers
if you'll know that the God
Don't exist
And you won't go to the hell for the most filthiest sins
Will you still be
Who you ARE?
You're following your God
But you are afraid of him
you need someone to hold you from destruction
You can't stop my will
To say those saints don't even try
To burn this truth
that open's eyes to all mankind
I'm not afraid to say this
While the children Burn alive
They Sell Forgivness
But you still motherfucker
Die for this messiah
you still so blindly
Follow this messiah
And you will kill
For this messiah
you're living in a lie
For this messiah
And i don't know why
Tell me who gave them right
To Kill in prise of god
they're another son's of pride
They're drinking Jesus Blood
Those Devil's bitches rise
They rape and they despise
Burning the paradise
But you still motherfucker
Die for this messiah
you still so blindly
Follow this messiah
And you will kill
For this messiah
you're living in a lie
For this messiah
And i don't know why
Hey i wanna ask a question
To all believers
if you'll know that the God
Don't exist
And you won't go to the hell for the most filthiest sins
Will you still be
Who you ARE?
You're following your God
But you are afraid of him
you need someone to hold you from destruction
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