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«Неизвестный Гений»
5 The true fictions
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31 декабря ’2024 20:55
Просмотров: 50
Once upon a time, the Russian classic writer Maxim Gorky decided to finally find out why grief comes from mind, not stupidity. He invited the genius of world literature, Leo Tolstoy, to a spiritualistic séance. Griboyedov, the author of the famous play "Woe from Wit", summoned from the otherworldly environments, explained that the smart always feel grief among scoundrels, sly people and fools, while fools feel only offended by the smart. Having learned this truth, Gorky and Tolstoy tried to remove fools from their circle, but quickly realized that as a result they would be left without it altogether. They had to continue to feel grief.
Once famous writer Leo Tolstoy and known Russian writer - Maxim Gorky caught a live peasant to ask him about the people's hardships. The peasant, frightened by these big guys, held out his purse to them with a trembling hand. Then they realized that the peasants still have money.
The writer Dostoevsky once suggested to the populist Chernyshevsky that they go to the Passage to look at an overseas crocodile brought there. Chernyshevsky, struck by the sight of the crocodile, slipped and fell into its mouth. From that day on, one could approach the crocodile by paying Dostoevsky, who had settled down to the side, and receive an answer to a question from the crocodile's belly within the competence of the crocodile and Chernyshevsky. Dostoevsky later gloated that the competence of both turned out to be insufficient, but he is been taking the money, justifying himself to the honest people by large debts.
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