28 Р В Р’В Р РЋР’ВВарта РџС‚.
I’mnot a heavy eater -
not at all;
Just the reverse -
I keep a simple diet
Of beer,
a slice of veal
and a Swiss roll -
To spare my dear stomach
feeling tired…
I could, for certain,
eat a humble pie -
I could, of course, -
but should I? -
That’s the question!..
I’d eat my boots,
my head,
my kibosh,
my –
But this does not agree
with my digestion.
I’m not an eager climber of a wall
To leadership,
cetera et…
I know
it rhymes well
with a Great Fall -
Where there is
a rule,
there is
a riot…
I could, for real,
raise my DPI -
I could indeed,
but ought I? -
That’s the question!..
I’d even rise to be
a Deep-U-Tie!.. -
But this does not agree
with my digestion.
I’m not an actor at a fancy ball
Where puppets in disguise
sell for
and buy at -
Body and Soul,
Life and Love
and all;
Few are to hire,
many - to be hired…
I could, for sure,
be a sleaze,
a spy… -
I could, I bet! -
but would I? -
That’s the question!..
I would be
a stool-pigeon -
why won’t I?! -
But this does not agree
with my digestion.
you expect to travel
to empy -
but will you truly? -
That’s the question!..
Plug your leaky throne.. !!!!!!!!