Ëàéò-âåðñèÿ ñàéòà

Capitalism - serving the golden calf, Baal, Molech

Ëèòåðàòóðà / Ïîëèòèêà / Capitalism - serving the golden calf, Baal, Molech
Ïðîñìîòð ðàáîòû:
12 ôåâðàëÿ ’2024   02:41
Ïðîñìîòðîâ: 1915


“Capitalism = serving the golden calf / Baal / Molech / Satan” – 11.02.2024

To anyone who is ready and looking for the Truth. Spread this. I just believe that you have the right to know. But many are not ready for this information and cannot accept it because were being fooled for too long and became fanatics and zombies. They will continue to follow their programs and, of course, will attack this information.

(Sorry for my English if any mistakes – it’s not my native tongue).

What is the biggest problem with the Bible? This problem is described in Revelation 5 – it says that the entire world simply does not understand the Bible (cannot OPEN its true senses)… The Jewish say they know the Tanakh (the Bible), all types of Christians say they know the Bible, even the Muslims say that they accept the Bible. And absolute majority of the believers teach others what they believe are the senses of the Bible and are sure and convinced that they understand the Bible (that they have opened it and are worthy to read and understand it), but they don’t – that’s what’s explained in the Revelation 5.

Revelation 5: "5 And I saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the back, sealed with seven seals.
2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof?”
3 And no man in Heaven, nor on earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.
4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
5 And one of the elders said unto me, “Weep not! Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof.”"

But how can it be, that there’s only one son of Israel – only one true Hebrew saint – only one Lion of the tribe of Yehudah (Judah) that can open the Bible in the End Days and can read and understand it? And that it happens exactly before the apocalyptic events start… In fact – it is simple to understand – for thousands of years the believers had only those religious dogmatic types of the understanding of the Bible that their pastors/rabbis were putting in their heads. But in the heads of the pastors/rabbis the understanding was being put by the religious leaders. And for thousands of years the religious leaders served the kings, the rich and the strong – therefore – mixing the ideology that was profitable for the kings, the rich and the strong and promoting this ideology instead of the true senses of the Bible… This is one of the main pillars of the so-called Great Deception.

So – this plot that everyone is wrong and just one is right is not something extraordinary – it happens. And it is exactly what’s described in the Revelation 5.

Shemot (Exodus) 23: “2 Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause, following many, to divert judgment.”

Next – I am going to tell you about one of the most unwanted and shadow banned books of the modern times that speaks against the multitude, explaining that the multitude has absolutely no understanding of the Bible and serves the evil instead of the Lord.

On September 11 2017 Jupiter ended its transit in the constellation of Virgo. What did we see next? Revelation 12: «12 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars».

But very few people still know that exactly 430 days after September 11 2017 – on November 15 2018 (Kislev 7 5779) a very uncommon book appeared – a free book, given as a gift to humanity. A tractate, which explains the Will of the Almighty Lord (the True Torah) in the way that had never been known and interpreted before by any rabbi, pastor or philosopher. And exactly 430 days after its appearance – on January 19-20 2020 the active phase of the apocalyptic events started when China has officially recognized the epidemic and the first horseman of the Apocalypse started its journey around the world. After that many supplementary publications to this tractate were published, but when they were gathered together in 2023 in one file it appeared that there are exactly 430 pages.

Why am I telling this to you? Because this book (the tractate) and the 430 pages of the supplementary publications to this tractate are under the epic SHADOW BAN since they appeared, and the English segment of the internet has got absolutely no information about them. They exist only in Russian language and cannot be correctly automatically translated into English by any of the known translating systems because their algorithms give absolutely wrong senses and terms (checked) – this way of translation will not give the possibility to understand it all right, but will be full of lies which are a part of the Great Deception (and the electronic translation systems participate in the Great Deception).

The name of the tractate in Russian is “Êíèãà Åâðåÿ” (the name of the tractate should be correctly translated as “The Book Of The HEBREW (Man)” – not “Jewish” (man), but “HEBREW” (Man)). http://proza.ru/2018/11/15/944 - this is the link to the full text of the tractate (670 pages). http://proza.ru/2023/02/21/145 - and this is the link to the supplementary publications (430 pages).

What did this tractate and the supplementary publications prove and explain? Why are they so important and why are they under the most epic shadow ban? Their senses are something extraordinary. When the majority of the believers hear them they remain shocked or immediately start boiling over, being indignant, rejecting, attacking, being hysterical. Why? Because almost everything they knew about the Will of the Father (Lord the Almighty) is exposed and proven as wrong and fake in this tractate and the supplementary publications, basing on the biblical texts. And the pastors/rabbis/imams hide this… Because it exposes them also as the servants of the golden calf/Baal/Molech/Satan…

What are some of these postulates that this tractate and the supplementary publications prove basing on the BIBLICAL texts?

1. Capitalism is the sum of three mortal sins (“profiteering”, “bribe” and “usury”). The Will of the Lord is DEATH for those sins. It means – death penalty (execution) for capitalism, which, just as all other parts of the True Torah (True Law – the Will of the Lord), should be accepted only democratically – by the people (because the Lord wants the Torah to be accepted, not installed by Himself with force). Capitalism did not appear two centuries ago – just this new word “capitalism” appeared to explain generally in one term these three mortal sins and the economic/political system created by them, which indeed never changed since the ancient Hittite and Babylonian empires, but only changes the “masks”. Capitalism = Satanism = serving the golden calf/Baal/Molech/Satan and being a part of the satanic legion. As a slave of the legion, or as an active legionary, consciously, or unconsciously – it changes nothing and does not matter. If you are a capitalist, if you support capitalism and capitalists and/or do not oppose yourself to capitalism and do not struggle against the capitalism – then you reject the Will of the Lord, you are a “brick in the wall” of the satanic legion and the Great Deception, and serve the golden calf/Baal/Molech/Satan. And those who reject the Will of the Lord will not “enter the Kingdom”.

2. Religion is the instrument of the capitalism/Satanism for persuading the slaves to not resisting the satanic legion and to participating in it resignedly.

3. The majority of the formal attributes of the religion are a not a part of the Will of the Lord (and it does not matter which religion): prayers, rituals, traditions, fests, songs, religious gatherings, fetishes, idols, special religious clothes and attributes, sacrifices, incense, offerings and other religious vain to no purpose – almost all of this is indeed AGAINST the Will of the Lord and the Lord hates it. And never listens to the prayers, because wants only real actions based on the TRUE COMMANDMENTS (about which the majority of the believers have got no idea).

4. Capitalism and religion are crimes against humanity – participating in them is the reason of the apocalyptic events. It all happens not because it’s inevitable, not because it was prophesized, not because the Lord wanted it so, but because the people do so – the people do not know and do not want to fulfill the REAL TRUE Will of the Lord.

5. There is no other way to “Enter the Kingdom” but to fulfill the Will of the Lord. The real original TRUE Law (Torah) – not the fake one, that is spread all around the world by all forms of religions under any “masks”.

6. The first active phase of the apocalyptic events is staged by the capitalist/satanic global elites and is the “theatre for profanes” by the “Ordo ab Chao” system. Capitalist leaders are not against this system, being a capitalist = participating. It does not matter who you like and who you vote for. Capitalism = Satanism. They just fool people in this “theatre for profanes”. And not only by supporting “both sides” in every capitalist political regime and in every capitalist conflict and war, but also by staging the prophecies, using them as scenarios. Yes, religious people, it is all done because in the “right time” your religious leaders always say: “This is what was prophesied – the Lord did this – this is His plan”. But no – this is only the capitalist/satanic “theatre for profanes”. Everything is staged, including the terrorist attacks – they are nothing but human sacrifices and set up excuses for escalations and wars which serve just as instruments for achieving goals of the Satanists/Capitalists. Once again – it does not matter who you vote for at any capitalist elections, it does not matter what side you support in any capitalist conflict and It does not matter how you call yourself or what your religion is – are you Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim… Capitalism = Satanism.

7. The religions and the capitalist countries (including China – it’s also a capitalist country – a fake communist nation) are just companies of the Satanists/capitalists. The religious and capitalist political leaders are just managers of the Satanists’/capitalists’ companies (countries, religions). The police, the armies and the special services are nothing but the mercenaries of the satanic legion – they protect the satanic regime, the satanic rules and the property of the Satanists/capitalists from the people who create this property with their labor and from whom this property is being permanently stolen by the Satanists/capitalists for thousands of years.

8. The capitalists will never tell you that what Yeshua (Jesus) was teaching and what the biblical prophets were teaching was indeed what we call nowadays COMMUNISM! Communism is just a modern word, just like the “capitalism” is, but its meaning exists also for thousands of years. Capitalism = serving the golden calf/Baal/Molech/Satan and selling the Lord and his Will for «thirty pieces of silver», and the communism – is burning the “golden calf”. This is the main difference. The Satanists/capitalists don’t want you to know and they spread tons of lies using their agents (political, mass-media and religious agents). The Capitalists also create fake communist/leftist/Marxist movements and political parties. REMEMBER - this is being done to set it all up as they want it – to denigrate the true communist idea which is indeed – the copy of the economical laws of the True Torah (True Will of the Lord), but the Satanists/capitalists create pseudo communist/leftist/Marxist fakes (even fake communist countries) to convince the people that communism is bad, that it is satanic and that the USSR was the “empire of evil”. These lies are being widely spread also by the religious Christian and Jewish groups – because their pastors/rabbis teach so, because their religious leaders say so, and because it is what their masters – the capitalists/Satanists – want… They lie that the communism is a “false religion” (in fact communism is not a religion at all, and all the religions are a priori false if you understand the True Will of the Lord), they lie that the portraits of the communist leaders are idols (in fact idols are only images, forms and fetishes that are being given “sacred” meanings and used by the religions and religious people in their worshiping rituals and for praying – like icons, crosses, stones, “sacred places” and buildings, mezuzahs, tefillin and so on – does not matter what “sacred” fetish and from what religion. It is absolutely OK if you have pictures of your parents, or of great writers, or of historical figures that you respect for what they did, what they’ve created or teach us – these are not idols if you do not pray to them, do not call them gods, do not use them in religious worshiping and do not give to them any “sacred” meaning). They say: “Look – the USSR destroyed churches and synagogues because the USSR was evil” – they will never tell you that there exist no such commandments to build churches and synagogues, to go to them, to pray in them and to do any rituals in them, but instead – it is absolutely clearly explained in the biblical texts that all the false shrines should be destroyed and all the idols/fetishes should be burned… They will never tell you that the USSR during Joseph Stalin’s time was the country of saints who fulfilled so many commandments and prophecies that no other nation in the entire world could do for thousands of years. They even lie to you about how the USSR collapsed and why. They say because the USSR was rejecting the Lord during all of its history, but indeed it’s because after Stalin died they’ve stopped fulfilling the true commandments as they should be fulfilled – they’ve stopped executing Satanists/capitalists and their agents of all types – and it leaded soon to the rebirth of the capitalism inside of the USSR. So – when they show you how bad it became during the 80-th in the USSR – they show you not what the communism is like, but what the capitalism is like – because the soviet elites have sold the Lord and His True Will for “thirty pieces of silver” – they’ve transformed into capitalists, and such country could not exist as a free people’s state any longer – and was colonized by the international satanic capitalist elites in 1991. Now the modern Russia is full of churches, synagogues, mosques and there is capitalism, religion, police state, prostitution, crime of all types and everything else satanic that there exists…. Modern Russia is MAGOG – a satanic beast – just like BAVEL/Babel (Babylon - USA)… You must understand – there are no “good guys” in this game – all capitalist sides serve Satan. All sides have received their roles in the “Ordo ab Chao” theatre for profanes… They don’t want you to know – they want you to choose a side (but the false choice that they give you is among Satanism and Satanism, because Capitalism = Satanism).

9. There is no such word as “God” in the original texts of the Tanakh (Bible). This sense – “God” is a fake. The original is “Elohim”, which is: A – plural form, and B – derives from the Proto-Aramaic root “Ilu” (sounds as “Eeloo”), which means ANCESTOR. The Elohim are our ancestors from space – representatives of the highly developed cosmic civilizations. And the same with the “demons” – the “fallen army of heaven” – also representatives of the highly developed cosmic civilizations which enslaved and desecrated the humanity. Capitalism is their Law – the law of the “fallen army of heaven”.

10. The real original Law (Torah – Will of the Lord) can be archived, like a computer file archive, down to one word. The entire true Torah, in fact, fits into just one word. This word is “Tzedek”. The word “Tzedek” is translated from Hebrew into other languages with two meanings: “Fairness” and “Correctness.” This is the first level of “unpacking” the true Torah as an archive. The point is that the Torah is what is fair and right, but what is unfair and wrong is a priori not the Torah... The entire tractate “Êíèãà Åâðåÿ” («The Book Of The Hebrew (Man)») and 430 pages of the supplementary publications to the tractate are fully about explaining Tzedek and proving what is FAIR and RIGHT basing on the biblical texts.

And this book (that I’m talking about) is still hidden from the world by the religious leaders, IT monster-companies, politicians… I believe that you have the right to know at least that it exists… Maybe you will want to read it or help correctly translate it, or will share it and let other people know about it.

What else (interesting) can you find out from the supplementary publications and the tractate? Some examples (just some, because in the tractate and in the supplementary publications there are hundreds of exclusive topics).

1. The “6 days of the creation” and the “7-th day of rest” are the solar system's orbital periods around the center of the Milky Way galaxy – 250 million terrestrial years each. And they start when the Earth is already 2.8 billion years old.

2. The “House of Bread” is not Bethlehem but is indeed the Soviet Union (USSR). And the True Mashiach (not the false mashiach/antichrist) will come from one of the former soviet republics – and there are two additional publications to the tractate which explain in details a very interesting theory – where exactly the true Mashiach can be now.

3. Modern Russia is the Magog, the USA is the last Bavel/Babel (Babylon) and the modern Israel is the whore of Bavel. Magog, Bavel and the whore of Bavel will finally get destroyed. Capitalism and religion will be convicted and punished as crimes against humanity.

4. Even saying hello/good bye with the word “peace” (shalom) in the midst of lawlessness is wrong – because it is a neurolinguistic fake – calling for reconciliation with lawlessness. The general word of the Torah is not “shalom” (peace), but it is “Tzedek” (Fairness/Rightness) – and there will be no peace until there is established Fairness and everything is done the right (correct) way.



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