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Dagoth - Fireball

МУЗЫКА / Электронная / Dagoth - Fireball
Просмотр работы:
29 ноября ’2013   21:53
Просмотров: 20560

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Get out of my heart, get out of my soul,
Out of my dreams, cause i loose control.
I swear, it would be better for ya.
Don't come to my thoughts, cause it's all over.
Stop playing with these fireballs,
When I'm alone, I climb on walls.
Don't wanna see your news no more
And remember, what was before.
Let me see you smile on pics
And forgot all of the kisses.
I was tricky, down my knees
To have a chance to please you.
Now I see, you hear sad songs,
But our love was wrong and gone.
Stay cool, I know, you win, you're clever.
Be happy and goodbye forever.

And all I've got to say:
Our love was really true,
And all the nights and days
Was thinking about you.
And now I'm here to say:
I have another goals,
I ask you stop playing
With these fireballs.
Forget me, little lady,
And live your own life.
it would be really better
What we both decide.
I'm standing here to say,
I have another girl.
I ask you stop playing
With these fireball.

Stop chilling, girl, we take apart,
and on our lives we left a spot.
I went to sport to keep my mind
And you went to the land of another heart.
Well, it's your choice,
I understand you, no more lois
To me and you from one another.
No more nights I spend and bother.
I'm cool and calm like ocean waves.
And in the night I'm dark like graves.
Cause I go on your page once more,
Though I feel no love no more,
Though I feel no pain no more,
I feel jealousy no more.
It's strange, girl, I feel no fault,
I just throw the fireball.


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