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МУЗЫКА / Электронная / FETISH'IST-fluorine
Просмотр работы:
16 ноября ’2010   10:43
Просмотров: 26637

Скачать файл - 4.675 мб   (Загружено 3 раз)
She: Why are people so evil, unforgiving?
He: It's a statement of fact, princess...
She: Why? May be they are frightened?
He: Oh, don't say so. That's not the point. It's the essence of life.....

You are agonizing me again.
And you begin to make me swear.

You touch my skin and it gets burnt
You embrace me I can't step
I stand petrified by you.

You may do everything you want
You drive me into a corner
Which is seeming so tender.



I look for your smile
In a luminescent
fluorescent light.
So tonight
I will be in your mind.

You tire me out, I'm caught in a net.
Your voice,
I shake all over, hearing it

Why passing your hand over curls
You make me love none the worse
Nothing would force to do it.

When I note your glance on my lips
I feel you can stop my breath
And try to drain the soul dry......

Yonna, Fetish'ist, 2009


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