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«Неизвестный Гений»
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07 марта ’2011 20:57
Просмотров: 25972
Bewitching flowers
Exciting aroma of bewitching colours stupefies.
You lay down under big blossoming a tree to have a rest, but external pleasure is deceptive.
The fine fragrance lulls you, and you plunge into a serene children's dream from which already there is no exit. You die.
Last time you see dark blue the sky and bright solar beams, the poison has already seized your reason and will.
Also there are no forces to rise …
All ideas and their realisation belong Antuan Graftio ©. The album is written down and extended in 2010.
Communication with the author:
Bewitching flowers
Exciting aroma of bewitching colours stupefies.
You lay down under big blossoming a tree to have a rest, but external pleasure is deceptive.
The fine fragrance lulls you, and you plunge into a serene children's dream from which already there is no exit. You die.
Last time you see dark blue the sky and bright solar beams, the poison has already seized your reason and will.
Also there are no forces to rise …
All ideas and their realisation belong Antuan Graftio ©. The album is written down and extended in 2010.
Communication with the author:
Суммарный балл: 10
Проголосовало пользователей: 1
Балл суточного голосования: 0
Проголосовало пользователей: 0
Проголосовало пользователей: 1
Балл суточного голосования: 0
Проголосовало пользователей: 0
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Оставлен: 07 марта ’2011 21:04
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