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«Неизвестный Гений»
Dream angel - Endlessly
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12 июня ’2012 22:28
Просмотров: 23568
Living in a dream as in life
As long you belive in magic
You want to make life more freely
Belive me there will be a brighter day
When you dream comes true
When you dream's woll come to life
When you know it's name
When you mind to die
Dance with me
Twist with me
Inspite it's not your day
Magic endlessly
Dance with me
Twist with me
While we have a time
Enjoy the night full life
When the moon rises in the sky
When the light will be lighted
In a box that ison the roof
In the house will be lighted
Proud little nation that dances
And sings at night
In you fairy tales
Comes to life
There is no fear no pain
Only a desire to stay will
But in locker cage hidden
Disires eternal lite of my mind
Свидетельство о публикации №12590 от 12 июня 2012 годаLiving in a dream as in life
As long you belive in magic
You want to make life more freely
Belive me there will be a brighter day
When you dream comes true
When you dream's woll come to life
When you know it's name
When you mind to die
Dance with me
Twist with me
Inspite it's not your day
Magic endlessly
Dance with me
Twist with me
While we have a time
Enjoy the night full life
When the moon rises in the sky
When the light will be lighted
In a box that ison the roof
In the house will be lighted
Proud little nation that dances
And sings at night
In you fairy tales
Comes to life
There is no fear no pain
Only a desire to stay will
But in locker cage hidden
Disires eternal lite of my mind
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Оставлен: 02 сентября ’2012 23:59
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