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«Неизвестный Гений»
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20 сентября ’2012 23:40
Просмотров: 22557
If you’ve seen enough this life
Could you accept the world despite
If your arms are getting tide
Could you bring them to face yet time
Could you be so ugly
That only door can stand you
And wait you
At the down
Could you be so ugly
That only door can stand
And bring you light
And calm
You smile
Things are going on
Don’t be a better
Much more than I can do
Early smile at me now
Much more than I can do-u-u
If you’ve seen enough this life
Could you accept the world despite
If your arms are getting tide
Could you bring them to face yet time
Could you be so ugly
That only door can stand you
And wait you
At the down
Could you be so ugly
That only door can stand
And bring you light
And calm
You smile
Things are going on
Don’t be a better
Much more than I can do
Early smile at me now
Much more than I can do-u-u
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