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Second Part

МУЗЫКА / Металл / Second Part
Просмотр работы:
16 декабря ’2024   18:43
Просмотров: 29

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Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu1vVUhkxDg

Music: Living World
Vocal: Khan Shtorh, Taren
Lyrics: Khan Shtorh
Cover: Lorine Arzumanyan
Genre: LoFi - metal

© 2024 Living World


[Verse 1: Khan Shtorh]
Staring at my feet again
Whispers in my head begin
Caught up in this tangled fight
Troubling deep inside

[Chorus  : Khan Shtorh]
Self-impossible life
Right in your eyes, I die.
Wake me from this, can't die.

[Verse 2: Khan Shtorh]
Pull the shadows from my mind
Facing demons through the grind
Every scar tells my tale
Crashing down but I prepare

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
Self-impossible life
Right in your eyes, I die.
Wake me from this, can't die.

[Rap – bridge: Taren]
Silent scream inside my soul
Echoes of what once was whole
In the darkness I will grow
From the ashes start to glow
Won't be silenced, hear me roar
‘Till the day I find my core
Reborn from the pain so bright
Consored into the light


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