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Fast Loud Young - Aby

МУЗЫКА / Другое / Fast Loud Young - Aby
Просмотр работы:
06 июня ’2019   14:15
Просмотров: 10498

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I lay awake
That's all seem to be truth
Attempts to get out of this nightmare
did not work the way them should

I never wanted
I never wanted to be here
This house is haunted
Haunted with an evil man

He is sick
I'm locked up
He wants to see me with guts out
of my body
Oh it's not so funny
Oh will somebody help me here?

With cold chains
On my neck
I feel his massive attack
He’s taking lives in a row

Pain will last until
I can see his grin
I’m gonna die in his claws

he's coming here within the lights
I feel the beast is about to strike
You want it?
You’ll get it! All night long!

I’m down
He gaze on me he want’s some more
The knife is sharpened well
He fell in love

To make me cry
To take my life
But you won’t break me tonight

With cold chains
On my neck
I feel his massive attack
He’s taking lives in a row

Pain will last until
I can see his grin
I’m gonna die in his claws


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