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«Неизвестный Гений»
Sound Touch
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13 сентября ’2020 11:45
Просмотров: 8222
* * *
You’ve got sound touch
I hear music in you
You’re out of touch
But I still love you
Your bright big eyes
Have notes in them
Please never cry
My dear anthem
Your voice is life
Your voice is guitar
I try to try
To be not far far
You sing for me
I play for you babe
And you can hear
It’s always this way
Let the sound touch
It’s much but not enough
Girl you’re the violin
You’re incarnated muse
I forget the violence
But I can’t forget you
Feel the touching sound
Sneaking in your ear
When you lost you found
We got to be so near
And the sounds touch
It’s much but not enough
* * *
You’ve got sound touch
I hear music in you
You’re out of touch
But I still love you
Your bright big eyes
Have notes in them
Please never cry
My dear anthem
Your voice is life
Your voice is guitar
I try to try
To be not far far
You sing for me
I play for you babe
And you can hear
It’s always this way
Let the sound touch
It’s much but not enough
Girl you’re the violin
You’re incarnated muse
I forget the violence
But I can’t forget you
Feel the touching sound
Sneaking in your ear
When you lost you found
We got to be so near
And the sounds touch
It’s much but not enough
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