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Easy Breeze (Prod. by Dpark)

МУЗЫКА / Поп / Easy Breeze (Prod. by Dpark)
Просмотр работы:
14 августа ’2021   11:21
Просмотров: 6408

Скачать файл - 3.934 мб   (Загружено 0 раз)
Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-G1T01USb4

Music by Dpark and Living World

[Khan Shtorh]
Time is gone in the distance
the heavenly lights went out
friends are not the same
it's just a fake fake which is not even trying
to be original

[Chorus 1: Khan Shtorh]
Tired of feeling rain of pain
every time a heart defect
tired, constantly afraid of everything
I can't put up with lost
because my attempts to bring back
the past absolutely hopeless
heavy load carry losses

[Alex Walker]
Easy breeze blows high from the sky
Just sun shines
the body warms
I just want to return to the place to start
where love and warmth embraced you tightly

[Khan Shtorh]
As a result, I burn in endless lies
in hopeless attempts to return those paradise
I destroy myself
I take away into resonance
in attempts to fly away

[Chorus 2: Khan Shtorh]
looking far away
my native home
looking far away
eternal peace
looking far away my native home
looking far away a broken world


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