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Don't Fart At The Party

МУЗЫКА / Поп / Don't Fart At The Party
Просмотр работы:
09 октября ’2021   15:29
Просмотров: 6275

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went to a party to meet some girls and friends of mine
I would test the water and enjoy my time
soon I saw a gorgeous girl who danced alone
the men ignored her like they all had turned into stone

moving to the beat I approached her inconspicuously
I felt quite proud of my hitting-on efficiency
but when I got close I was greeted by a warning horn
she let out a fart that hit me like a storm

please don't fart, don't fart at the party
don't eat food that is much too hearty
heed my tip, don't fart at the party
Let us all enjoy the time

please don't fart, don't fart at the party
I mean well, please don't react too sharply
just heed my tip, don't fart at the party
Let us all enjoy the time

I needed to recover so I retreated to the bar
I needed something strong because the shock had hit me hard
looking back I saw her moving quite seductively
I tried to calm myself trying to think constructively

dancing to the beat I approached her inconspicuously
I felt quite proud of my new-found grit and energy
but when I got close I was greeted by a choking smell
she let out a fart that hit me like a whiff of hell


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Мне кажется или я плохо разбираюсь очень похожа музыка одна на другую ???Голоса красивые!

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