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rise again

МУЗЫКА / Рок / rise again
Просмотр работы:
26 января ’2014   19:31
Просмотров: 20204

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oh god it happened once again
from time to time it goes along my way
as i lay dying in my bed
wondering why and i'm crying for help
i'm waiting for reply
but the answer's crystal clear
fell out of my mind
for a little time

i'm flying out
out the window
it's getting closer
i guess i feel the concrete
and if i die this time
don't you ever cry my friend
don't let me down cause i
will rise again

the insecurities inside
they eat the living part of me
as i am slowly going blind
i fight back what i can't leave behind
i'm waiting for reply
but the answer's crystal clear
fell out of my mind
for a little time

i've lived long enough
to understand

i'm flying out
out the window
it's getting closer
i guess i feel the concrete
and if i die this time
don't you ever cry my friend
don't let me down cause i
will rise again


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