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«Неизвестный Гений»
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10 октября ’2010 10:38
Просмотров: 26385
Sometime someone said me: "You must ask me to know"
But I was going to answer: "You'll stay here! That's why let me go"
Ideas for life - It is life - ideas for life
Oh! There are many people who want to show where to go.
But I am asking they nothing. I think I can choose my way by my own
Listen: they'll choose for me
I feel they are stoping me
I think they just want my soul
Dear "scientists"! Let me go
But I was going to answer: "You'll stay here! That's why let me go"
Ideas for life - It is life - ideas for life
Oh! There are many people who want to show where to go.
But I am asking they nothing. I think I can choose my way by my own
Listen: they'll choose for me
I feel they are stoping me
I think they just want my soul
Dear "scientists"! Let me go
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Оставлен: 19 октября ’2010 10:38
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