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Can't Run (by Linkin Park)

МУЗЫКА / Рок / Can't Run (by Linkin Park)
Просмотр работы:
21 июля ’2022   21:52
Просмотров: 4769

Скачать файл - 4.278 мб   (Загружено 0 раз)
Clip On Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hiy75Skbeg

[Alex Walker]
In lock up, A ghost is trapped in darkness
he is looking for her
realizing that he will not find her
demons whisper behind his back that he cannot escape
closing his eyes, you just don't see the pain
you can't accept eternal darkness
you can't understand that there is no way out

(Can't run away)

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
I feel pain
from unreality
I feel their gaze
how cry behind my back,
I feel inside
how I'm torn apart
I feel that I
can't run

[Alex Walker]
Wounds hurt again
demons growl again
I I'm not aware of myself
you're looking for a way out in a panic
because you feel that the fire is burning up
and the demons are still whispering that you can't escape anywhere
you're moving in an endless aura of suffering

(Can't run away)

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
I feel pain
from unreality
I feel their gaze
how cry behind my back,
I feel inside
how I'm torn apart
I feel that I
can't run

[Bridge: Khan Shtorh & Alex Walker]
[Screams, agony, gnashing of strings, the darkest corners of hell pulled you down, God does not hear you, because you are deep in hell]


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