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«Неизвестный Гений»
Carmen - Pregnant
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28 июля ’2012 18:15
Просмотров: 23205
This life will never be the same,
I have to care about myself,
I really see,
That something’s growing right inside of me
You fucked my heart, you should’ve stopped,
Before your dick started to drop.
I can’t put up
With frigging gift behind the mucous plug.
I must be pregnant
Cause I’m sick of your face
Give me salty taste
Of your tears and pain.
Rancor’s flowing through the veins
There’s no way for child to cleanse.
I’m fatted with the crap you’ve told
And such a poison can’t be hurled
It starts to swell
To rot by stealth behind the shell.
You’ll meet the monster you have made
You’ll answer for a big mistake.
Cause he won’t sip
A milk, being in need of blood and meat.
This life will never be the same,
I have to care about myself,
I really see,
That something’s growing right inside of me
You fucked my heart, you should’ve stopped,
Before your dick started to drop.
I can’t put up
With frigging gift behind the mucous plug.
I must be pregnant
Cause I’m sick of your face
Give me salty taste
Of your tears and pain.
Rancor’s flowing through the veins
There’s no way for child to cleanse.
I’m fatted with the crap you’ve told
And such a poison can’t be hurled
It starts to swell
To rot by stealth behind the shell.
You’ll meet the monster you have made
You’ll answer for a big mistake.
Cause he won’t sip
A milk, being in need of blood and meat.
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