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Ефим Степаныч

Просмотр работы:
17 сентября ’2020   11:11
Просмотров: 8148

Efim Stepanovich escaped from a hungry life
He went to distant lands
Old women began to gossip about his wealthy relatives
And he hid away from bosses, bandits, cops and other assholes.
He settled in a harsh and wild place to find peace of mind.
it was revealed to him that he has a lot of everything -
A path, a green dense forest, every ear in a field, a deep river, blue sky. All this belongs to him, this is his native land. This is the motherland, until the enemy has short arms.
His happy life did not last long.
The land was divided into possessions.
Wastelands and swamps were occupied.
there is no place to go
Where to run to escape misfortune?
Where to meet old age in peace?
The hungry life overtook him again. And his end is near.


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