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«Неизвестный Гений»
4 My ironic passages about time
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11 декабря ’2024 00:04
Просмотров: 32
What will happen to the world in the near future?
The world will get tired of putting up with our catastrophic stupidity.
Why is time divided into periods?
Because at us periodically everything breaks down.
When does timelessness come?
Once around the clock: when a person sleeps without waking up.
Why does time flow for us and simultaneously and still in different?
Everybody has to hustle in common, but it turns out differently.
Is there a place where there is no time?
Of course there is, but we are not there.
Can time stop?
Never, because it never began.
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Нет отзывов
Оставлять отзывы могут только зарегистрированные пользователи
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