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Deep Chasm (Prod. By Joystock)

МУЗЫКА / Поп / Deep Chasm (Prod. By Joystock)
Просмотр работы:
07 января ’2021   11:10
Просмотров: 7728

Скачать файл - 3.931 мб   (Загружено 0 раз)
Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBkIkrfMJyc

I am often asked how I am doing
to which I answer simply
everything is fine with me
but does the sun shine in my eyes
there is only sadness and pain
still frustration

Deep Chasm dragged me
loved to go where I do not need
Deep Chasm these wounds
on me are only the past, killed

Always look forward to your path
because there may be pits
so deep, and dark
and I still fell there
I broke the life in myself

(And I felt the pain)

Deep Chasm dragged me
loved to go where I do not need
Deep Chasm these wounds
on me are only the past, killed

Fell you get up and live somehow
what did not kill means taught through pain and blood
Fell you get up and live somehow
what did not kill means taught through pain and blood


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