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«Неизвестный Гений»
Little Jesus
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20 августа ’2014 01:41
Просмотров: 19118
Little Jesus come and play
it's such a lovely lovely day
the sun is warm the brook is cool
the little lambs are in the pool
We picked the lillies blue and red
come wear a wreathe upon your head
the little lambs all have one too
we've left the best of all for you
So little Jesus went to play
on every lovely lovely day
his head was crowned with lilly flowers
he was their king those happy hours
Oh little Jesus come and play
it's such a warm and lovely day
the thorns and nails are yet to come
your life on Earth has not begun...
13 8 14
it's such a lovely lovely day
the sun is warm the brook is cool
the little lambs are in the pool
We picked the lillies blue and red
come wear a wreathe upon your head
the little lambs all have one too
we've left the best of all for you
So little Jesus went to play
on every lovely lovely day
his head was crowned with lilly flowers
he was their king those happy hours
Oh little Jesus come and play
it's such a warm and lovely day
the thorns and nails are yet to come
your life on Earth has not begun...
13 8 14
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