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«Неизвестный Гений»
serve the servants. nirvana cover
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27 декабря ’2015 06:31
Просмотров: 16446
кавер песни serve the servants группы nirvana. инструментальное соло придумано anies birds, аранжировка исполнение anies birds. записано на anies birds records
Teenage angst has paid off well
Now I'm bored and old
Self-Appointed judges judge
More than they have sold
If she floats than she is not
A witch like we had thought
A down payment on another
One at salem's lot
Serve the servants - Oh no
That legendary divorce is such a bore
As my bones grew they did hurt
They hurt really bad
I tried hard to have a father
But instead I had a dad
I just want you to know that I
Don't hate you anymore
There is nothing I could say
That I haven't thought before
Serve the servants - oh no
That legendary divorce is such a bore
Teenage angst has paid off well
Now I'm bored and old
Self-Appointed judges judge
More than they have sold
If she floats than she is not
A witch like we had thought
A down payment on another
One at salem's lot
Serve the servants - Oh no
That legendary divorce is such a bore
As my bones grew they did hurt
They hurt really bad
I tried hard to have a father
But instead I had a dad
I just want you to know that I
Don't hate you anymore
There is nothing I could say
That I haven't thought before
Serve the servants - oh no
That legendary divorce is such a bore
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Проголосовало пользователей: 1
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Оставлен: 27 декабря ’2015 06:38
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