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Klein Alex


Регистрация: 19 июля ’2009   10:32
Имя: Klein Alex
Страна: ISRAEL
О себе:
    Hello , My name is Alex Klein .
    I was born in USSR, on February, 13th, 1977.
    In 1983 (6 years) went to art school. In 1984 painted a picture "A Clown" that in 3 months was being exhibited in art museum located in the building of Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. Afterwards the above mentioned picture was exhibited in numerous contests of art works for young artists. The same year later I left art school and began studying in music school named after D.Shostakovich, class of a violin at Michael Lemberg, in a year moved to a class of Maya Santalova and there studied for 6 years. I also participated in youth concerts, acted in the Samara State Philharmonic with academic orchestra. I was in parallel involved in choral projects, sang with the Bulgarian state chorus in the Samara State Philharmonic Society. In 1992 finished school, and later with my mother and sister left for Moscow, from there immigrated to Israel where I became engaged in self-education. For some years have been working with a well-known composer Vladimir Shainsky. I took part in artistic design of his fund in Israel. Participated and designed concerts of a well-known guitarist Igor Zolotaryov (Gary Gold), who was then on tour in Israel. Afterwards both musical activity and drawing developed into hobby. Feeling interest for art acquired technique of moulding in polymer clay.
    Field of activities at the present moment:
    Sound recording (cartoons)
    Playing piano
    Moulding in polymer clay

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Последняя активность пользователя: 22 августа ’2010   00:43

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Просмотров профайла всего: 8

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