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Your Smile (EN)

Просмотр работы:
15 января ’2025   15:27
Просмотров: 17

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(Текст VonRaven, музыка VR+AI)

Your smile! (your smile)
It makes me wild (so wild)
Your smile (your smile)
It's turning off my brain!

I'm hypnotized (he's down)
I'm totally insane
But I beg you (beg you)
smile at me again!

How wish I was the kind of guys
you like (you like)
How wish I was so cool,
so bold and tough (so tough)

But I am paralyzed
With all this polite stuff
And all I've got
Are dreams about your love

Since we have met (we've met)
I'm struggling with myself (myself)
I tried to tame my heart,
and still in vain (in vain)

But tomorrow I will
see you once again
I'm deep in love (in love)
and I'm a happy man!

Your smile! (your smile)
It makes me wild (so wild)
Your smile (your smile)
It's turning off my brain!

I'm hypnotized (he's down)
I'm totally insane
But I beg you (beg you)
smile at me again!

Since we have met (we've met)
I'm struggling with myself (myself)
I tried to tame my heart,
and still in vain (in vain)

But tomorrow I will
see you once again
I'm deep in love (in love)
and I'm a happy man!

Your smile! (your smile)
It makes me wild (so wild)
Your smile (your smile)
It's turning off my brain!

I'm hypnotized (he's down)
I'm totally insane
But I beg you (beg you)
smile at me again!


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