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Александр Савостьянов

Пользователь A_Sawostjanow / Александр Савостьянов


Регистрация: 01 марта ’2021   20:28
Имя: Александр Савостьянов
Страна: Россия
Город: Клинцы
О себе:
    Savostyanov, Alexandr Dmitrievich

    Alexa'ndr Dmi'trievich Savostya'nov (born December 17, 1963) is a Soviet and Russian Poet, science-fiction writer and architect. A citizen of the USSR/Russia. Russian. Belongs to modern neofuturists and haijins of the beginning of the of the XXI Century. He is also famous as the author of poems for children, prose and songs.


    The Author's Creative Path
    Songs Based on A. Savostyanov's Lyrics
    See also


    Alexandr Dmitrievich Savostyanov was born December 17, 1963 in the town of Klintsy in the Bryansk Region. His father, Dmitry Ivanovich Savostyanov (1923 – 1992) was a World War II combat veteran, who became disabled during military action. He knew well his legendary fellow townsman, Alexandr Philippovich Lisimenko, who, as part of the assault force under the command of captain V. N. Makov, had been among the first to raise the Soviet Red Flag over the Reichstag building in Berlin 10.40 p.m. of April 30, 1945. For long, he had been working in the experimental shop of Klintsy's Order of the Badge of Honour "Red Gyant" Leather and Footwear Production Enterprise. February 20, 1979 he was awarded with the Veteran of Labor medal on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. His mother, Anna Yakovlevna Savostyanova (n;e Gorshkova (1918 – 1980)) had a diploma in education. Her grandfather had been a churchman in the Russian Orthodox Church.

    In 1981, Alexandr had successfully graduated Ostrovsky's secondary school No. 5 and the same year he was enrolled in the architectural faculty of the Brest Engineering and Construction Institute, choosing Urban Construction as his major. After graduating the Institute in 1986, he returned to his home town and for a long time had been working as the architect and design engineer in the Klintsy's Architecture Committee. He started writing poetry in the ninth grade. In 1980, Trud local newspaper published the first selection of his poems.

    Silver Pen of Russia prize winner in the International Contest "Golden Pen of Russia National Literary Award 2016". His works were published in Megalit's Body of Poetry international avant-garde magazine, Another Hemisphere art and literature avant-garde magazine (Moscow), Magazine of Poets, LiFFt All-Russian Literary Magazine (Moscow), Working Shift All-Union Magazine (Minsk), literary magazines: Our Generation (Kishinev), Prioksk Day Dawns (Tula), Poetry (Nizhny Novgorod), Russian Literature, Contr@band, Great Russians, Modern Bestiary, Snail (Moscow), New Continent (USA), 9 Muses (Greece), Rossinky almanac, Field Flowers (Moscow), Threshold (Kirovograd, Ukraine), Mga Bridges, Yorsh, Likbez, On the Rainbow Barefoot (Saint-Petersburg), Desna (Bryansk), anthologies: Golden Line of Moscovia, Bryansk Commonwealth of Letter and other magazines and almanacs, regional newspapres of Brest, Gomel, Bryansk, Arkhangelsk. Member of the International Association of the Masters of the Miniature Poems (the International Community of Writers' Unions), the Union of Bryansk Writers, the Russian Literary Club, Slava Fonda VSM club and Futursobranie. Prize winner and Premier Magister of VSM International Fund. Author of ten books of poems and prose. Awarded with 50th Anniversary of Cosmonautics commemorative medal. Winner of the 100 Best Russian Нaikus for Akita International Нaiku Network, the 2nd place in Poetry. One-Word Multi-Rhyme of Golden Pen of Russia International Competition 2012, prize winner of the 5th International Competition of the children's literature Pegasik 2013 – the 1st place in Different Genres nomination, prize winner of the Second All-Russian Contest of the Partiotic Poetry 2014, the Silver Diploma of the Third All-Russian Contest of the Partiotic Poetry devoted to the 70th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (2015), finalist of People's Writer 2015, 2016 National Literary Award, People's Poet – 2016, winner and awardee of contests: Poetry of Free Verse 2013 – 2016 held by the Moscow Region Writers' Organization and Poetry Magazine, prize winner of the Heroes of the Great Victory All-Russian Literary Contest, awardee of the poetic prize named after Alexey Meresyev, awardee of the series of Grand Finale International Literary Contests (2016 – 2017) in "This is what I've been given poetry for" nomination, diploma winner of the 1st degree of Mga Bridges Without Borders Contest as part of the IX Mga Bridges Without Borders International Festival, 3rd place in "While the Erath is Still Rotating" International Contest of the World Protection Committee, diploma winner of the Eighth International Contest Haiku 2016, prize winner of the First All-Russian Literary Contest of Authors named after A. Alyabyeva 2017 in "Russian Romantic Song" nomination, long list of V All-Russian Writing Contest LiFFT-2020, winner of One-Word Multi-Rhyme Contest 2017, prizewinner of the Scarlet Flower All-Russian Writing Contest (with international participants allowed) in Fairy-Tales nomination, prizewinner of the All-Russian Writing Contest on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of Sergey Mikhalkov "What our Life Would Be Without Books?", diploma winner of the Golden Bee International Literary Award 2018, Golden Bee 2019, winner of the Poet Atlas 2018 contest in the "Map of Russia" category, prize winner of the 13th All-Russian Contest of the Partiotic Poetry named after A. Tvardovsky 2019 "There are names and there are dates...", prize winner of Pegasus Horselaughed in Delight 2017 poetry contest of parodies and epigrams in "Satire Writer, Just Like Hercules!" nomination, awardee of RyaDom, III All-Russian Literary Contest 2020, winner of the aphorism contest by Yorsh Magazine, finalist of On the Griffin Wings 2020 International Contest.

    The Author's Creative Path

    "…on top of everything else, poetry is the leading voice that can engage a wide range of people into this or that phenomenon. Even now, when there is television, press, cinema art and many other information channels, the poetry still has its own specific niche – especially when it is necessary to affect people's emotions and their subconscious pursuit of justice. As it seems to me, this is what happens to readers of your poem – and this is where it has apparent value, both in terms of history and art." Andrey Moiseev

    "You train can't be stopped, even though there are those who would like it to happen." Tatiana Zommer

    "Problematics of poetical works of Alexandr Savostyanov is to a greater extent in line with moral settings of the Russian cosmism. Through the word of art, they deliver the metaphysical problem of correlation between macro and micro cosmos in the images and symbols of the poetic text. Alexandr Savostyanov is the acknowledged master of diverse, mostly avant-garde, poetic forms. But most often these are nowise immersion in his own virtual reality or broadcasting of sensuous experience, but, on the contrary, the actionable and citizenly authorship. Alexandr Savostyanov is a Russian partiotic poet. His poetry discourses and offen accuses making its readers "use their brains". The author strives for creating a new image of the Russian Path, to the world harmony at the social, international, spiritual and planetary levels." Elena Grislis


    The Breathing of Eternal Truth. Poems. Nayada Publishing House, Bryansk, 68 pages, 2005
    The Stellar Chronicles. Science Fiction Stories. Nayada Publishing House, Bryansk, 88 pages, 2005
    Between the Paradize and the Hell. Poems. Nayada Publishing House, Bryansk, 88 pages, 2006
    Don't Obscure the Sun. Poems. Nayada Publishing House, Bryansk, 84 pages, 2007
    Ariana. Ballads and poems. Nayada Publishing House, Bryansk, 88 pages, 2008
    Destinies of the Great People. Ballads and poems. Alexandria Printing House, Klintsy, 244 pages, 2009
    Full Insight. A collection of humorous stories. Alexandria Printing House, Klintsy, 32 pages, 2009
    Enspirit with the Whole World in the Heart! Poems. Saint-Petersburg, Serebryanaya Nit, 100 pages, 2014
    Haute Fouture. Poems. Saint-Petersburg, Serebryanaya Nit, 100 pages, 2014
    Share. Poems. Saint-Petersburg, Serebryanaya Nit, 108 pages, 2017

    Songs Based on A. Savostyanov's Lyrics

    The Old Little House http://www.realrocks.ru/songs/1053388
    Ballad about Time http://www.realrocks.ru/songs/943676
    If Life is the Wicked Stepmother... http://www.realrocks.ru/songs/964117
    Red Ashberry http://www.realrocks.ru/songs/1070568


    Golden Pen of Russia National Literary Award SILVER PEN OF RUSSIA. Certificate of Conformity No. 141. Alexandr Savostyanov (Klintsy, Bryansk Region, Russia) http://goo.gl/F0U7Ft

    • Alexandr Savostyanov in the Magazine World • Megalit, Eurasian Maganize Portal • The Reading Hall http://www.reading-hall.ru/contents.php?id=2174

    See also

    Futursobranie http://stihi.ru/avtor/futurism


    The Russian Path. Generations http://online.pubhtml5.com/tqtb/byhx/
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Четвертое место в литературном авторском конкурсе - "Кофта фата или Пощёчина общественному вкусу" 12.07.21г
Работа: Красный квадрат

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Золотой кубок
Первое место в авторском литературном конкурсе - "БЛЮЗ, КАК ПОЭТИЧЕСКАЯ ФОРМА" 1.10.21г
Работа: Сумрачный снится сон

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Золотой кубок
Жемчужина конкурса "Солнцетворение" (01.09.21г. - 13.10.21г.) от члена жюри -saulite-.
Работа: Летний акротелестих

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Золотой кубок
Жемчужина конкурса "Гений места" (01.12.21г. - 14.01.22г.) от члена жюри vmosharov
Работа: Увидеть Иерусалим

Приз зрительских симпатий
Приз зрительских симпатий
Пятое место в авторском литературном конкурсе - "Последний тур хтонического вальса" 16.01.23г.
Работа: Дрожь времён. Время Плутона

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Жемчужина конкурса "Диалексика" (01.06.23г. - 18.07.23г.) от члена жюри Annabel-Lee
Работа: Откровения de Sаda, или школа сюрреализма ot futur

Приз зрительских симпатий
Приз зрительских симпатий
Пятое место в анонимном литературном конкурсе - "Напряги извилины" 09.08.23г.
Работа: Загадки на грядке. И не только

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Жемчужина конкурса "ОБЭРИУтро" (01.09.23г. - 17.10.23г.) от члена жюри -saulite-
Работа: Саг-ас

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Жемчужина конкурса "Как Феникс из пепла" (01.12.23г. - 16.01.24г.) от члена жюри Limbo.
Работа: Песнь Алконоста

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Золотой кубок
Жемчужина конкурса "Полёт в ноосферу" (01.03.24г. - 14.04.24г.) от члена жюри Metamorf64
Работа: Трилогия

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Золотой кубок
Жемчужина конкурса "Король Верлибр" (01.06.24г. - 16.07.24г.) от организатора Ecce-cor-meum
Работа: Demogorgon I

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Золотой кубок
Жемчужина конкурса «ПЕСНЯ, КАК ПОЭТИЧЕСКАЯ ФОРМА» (01.06.24 - 30.07.24г) от члена жюри AVisnev
Работа: Кондор в полёте

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Четвертое место в авторском литературном конкурсе - "Возвращение на Итаку" 16.10.24г.
Работа: Времена и сроки. Японский сонет

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Жемчужина конкурса "Свободы сеятель пустынный" (01.12.24г. - 14.01.25г.) от организатора Ecce-cor-meum
Работа: Генерал Палач

Всего работ: 31

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